从左到右:Cydnee Phoenix, Center for Family Services; Jeff Lee Romero, 领先轻风; Brigette Satchell, 院长RCSJ职业生涯 & Technical Education; Michael Lemon, Instructor of the Wind Power Ready Program; Heather Simmons, 副总裁RCSJ职业生涯 & Technical Education and Workforce Development; Director Frank J. DiMarco, Director of 威尼斯人注册 County Board of Commissioners; Everett Stroud, Graduate; Laceon Redfurn, Graduate; Alexis Garcia-Enriquez, Graduate; Nery Paz, Graduate; Elijah Jackson, Graduate; Steven Bradley, Graduate; Irvin Garcia, Graduate; Demane Taylor, Graduate; Dwayne Lambert, Graduate; Raphjoyce Seignon, Graduate; Luis Almeyda, Director of the Wind Power Ready Program; Commissioner Joann Gattinelli, Education Liaison of the 威尼斯人注册 County Board of Commissioners; Brenden Rickards, RCSJ Provost and Vice President Academic Services; Vanessa Benedetti, Vestas; Erik Antonkal, 差劲的.
Rowan College of South Jersey (RCSJ) celebrated the inaugural graduation of 11 students from its newly launched Wind Power Ready program. The Wind Power Ready program was launched to equip participants with essential skills for careers as wind turbine technicians, 这个职位已经成为美国增长最快的工作. 颁奖典礼在南泽西的威尼斯人注册校区的罗文学院举行.
领先轻风, an American-led offshore wind project developed by lead developer Invenergy and co-developer energyRe, 250美元,000贡献. 此外,美国清洁能源公司为该计划捐赠了22万美元. This combined support provided Wind Power Ready graduates with practical expertise and theoretical understanding to navigate the dynamic landscape of wind technology. Wind Power Ready is part of a suite of programs RCSJ is developing in wind technology supported by a $819,由新泽西州经济发展局(NJEDA)颁发的000美元赠款. The other programs include development of a Wind Turbine Technician academic certificate and an Associate's of Applied Science degree in Wind Turbine Technology.
领先轻风, 美国清洁能源, 以及NJEDA加入了家庭服务中心和维斯塔斯美国风能技术公司, 公司., as integral partners in generating workforce training opportunities in wind technology at RCSJ.
“在领先轻风, we recognize that building an inclusive next-generation workforce is critical to the success of the building an offshore wind industry and growing the clean energy economy,杰夫·李·罗梅罗说, 领先轻风的经济发展总监. “We are proud to work alongside Rowan College of South Jersey and the Wind Power Ready program partners to ensure New Jersey students have access to high quality training and job opportunities in the clean energy sector."
“The NJEDA is proud to support RCSJ's wind technician training programs and I congratulate its graduates, 现在谁拥有在海上风电领域工作所需的工具和技能,NJEDA首席执行官蒂姆·沙利文说. “在菲尔·墨菲州长的领导下, 新泽西州正在利用海上风电带来的经济机会, which will help bring thousands of good-paying union jobs across South Jersey and create a stronger economy for generations to come. 通过投资于劳动力培训和教育, 新泽西州正在巩固其作为这个新兴行业的全国领导者的地位."
RCSJ's 职业生涯 and Technical Education Division began the Wind Power Ready program in March 2024, 提供全面的21周, 全日制课程,深入研究风能的各个方面. It encompasses essential courses such as Global Wind Organization Basic 安全 培训 and Basic Technical 培训, 在马士基培训的指导下, OSHA 10小时培训, 和NFPA 70E电气安全.
“通过风能准备项目, RCSJ's 职业生涯 and Technical Education division is paving the way for students to thrive in the burgeoning field of wind energy. By offering a comprehensive curriculum encompassing crucial industry standards and safety protocols, we ensure that our graduates are skilled to drive innovation and sustainability in the renewable energy sector,”医生说。. 弗雷德里克·基廷,RCSJ主席.
Students received a stipend for each training hour and gained hands-on experience during field trips to Vestas-American Wind Technology, 公司.位于奥罗拉的风力发电场, 缅因州, 和Lowville, 纽约, where they had the opportunity to gain valuable work experience on wind turbines over 200 feet in the air. These visits provided a firsthand glimpse into the intricate processes involved in maintaining and servicing the turbines, ensuring they continue to harness the power of wind to supply energy to thousands of homes and businesses.
“随着美国继续扩大其能源版图, the wind technician role has become one of the fastest growing jobs in the country and it's critical that we develop the next generation of technicians to meet the clean energy demands. Programs such as Wind Power Ready will play a significant role in meeting this demand and we're proud to partner alongside Rowan College to provide valuable learning paths, 亲自参与, 为这些毕业生提供现实世界的经验,凡妮莎·贝内德蒂说, 高级主管, 操作培训 & 维斯塔斯北美劳动力发展部.
作为合作的一部分, Vestas has conducted interviews with all graduates and has hired students for employment at their wind farms nationwide.
Graduates from the Wind Power Ready program at RCSJ also earn 15 credits that count towards the Wind Turbine Technician academic certificate. This 33-credit certificate equips students with comprehensive knowledge of wind turbine operation, 覆盖设计, 安装, 修复, 维护原则. 或者,学生可以将这些学分用于技术研究学位.
The Center for Family Services worked with students in the Wind Power Ready program to provide comprehensive employment readiness support, 包括软技能培训, 解决冲突, 财务规划, 有效的沟通, 团队动力, 数字素养, 等, 让学生为就业做好准备.
该项目在两个地点开展, 在南泽西的罗文职业学院进行课堂教学 & 休厄尔的技术教育设施, 并在大西洋城的大西洋角社区学院进行了实践培训, NJ.
根据美国.S. 美国劳工统计局.S. is projected to witness a 45% growth of the employment of wind turbine technicians from 2022 to 2032. This estimation highlights the dynamic nature of the renewable energy sector and its significant role in job creation and economic growth.
Shannon O'Brien,传讯经理 & 订婚,威尼斯人会员注册(856)384-6964
Rowan College of South Jersey (RCSJ) is a comprehensive community college that provides accessible, 负担得起的, 为所有年龄和背景的学生提供威尼斯人会员注册的教育体验. 在坎伯兰和威尼斯人注册郡设有校区, RCSJ offers a wide range of degree and certificate programs designed to meet the needs of the local community.
领先轻风是一个由美国主导的海上风电项目,每年可提供2亿美元的电力,400mw洁净, locally sourced energy to New Jersey – enough to power more than one million Garden State homes. Located over 40 miles off the New Jersey coast, 领先轻风 is positioned to spur $3.70亿元的经济发展效益, 为当地工会创造数千个工作岗位, and empower local communities and partners across the state through an $150 million community benefits program. 领先轻风是美国最大的海上风电项目之一.S., is being developed by two American companies: lead developer Invenergy and co-developer energyRe–partners with a proven track record of responsible development. 欲知详情,请浏览